Thursday, July 31

Wednesday, July 30
Tuesday, July 29
call tuh office & ask myy boss go down and take a look***
hope tat he can safety & recover soon:-)0
Saturday, July 26
quite tired de lorhh~~jz bck frm JB...
myy mood act quite gd de lorhh:-))
but due tuh da traffic problems.....
and make miie so down + no mood liaoO~~
a word descripe-->>sianz !!!!
realli 1st time met da traffic so jammed lorhh~~
b4 tat ii realli nvr try sat enter s'pore,custom wil oso so crowded de..
cause normally sat majority ppl wil departure s'pore de lorhh!!
tiz time ii seen like took wrong time liaoO:-))
ii wasted abt 4 hours tuh go out & came in s'pore lorhh..
realli fuck de lerhh~~
da time in 'travel' more den da time ii shopping!!!!
da another things make miie feel so silly is ...
when ii reached s'pore custom liaoO..
ii took da 912 bus tuh bck home~~
but due tuh custom too jammed...
so ii wait quite long times liaoO oso no bus came!!
ii started felt impatient liaoO..
luckily in da meantime,got 1 950 bus came..
so ii chose tuh went interchange & transfer bus again~~
but da vyy funny things iss da bus went around same place 3 times liaoO..
ii stil can't found da bus stop wic ii can drop...
tat time realli felt so scared de lorhh~~
cz around 9 plus liaoO..
da bus oso few passengers onli........
finally bo bian lorhh~~
ii dropped at 1 bus stop & took cab tuh bck home:-))
Aikss..tiz time stil need tuh waste money tuh took cab again!!!
jz move tuh sis's house...
until now stil blur blur de~~
duno should took wat bus de lorhhh***
aiii...i'm realli a direction idiot lorhh!!!
always can't recognise da direction bck home de T_T
went out whole dae liaoO..
now myy hands & legs damn tired de lorhh...
jz now stil carried mny shopping bags de lorhh~~
although ii feel so down & no mood liaoO..
but luckily ii stil got buy a pairs of shoes & browse oso..
hahasss.....!!always go shopping must wil buy somethings de lorhh!!
duno y lerhh..myy eyes can't stop searching de ^^
2 nite wana sleep tight tight liaoO..
realli damn tired de lorhh~~
myy eyes now bcome 1 line liaoO..
blog nxt time liaoO orhh~~
gd niteZ!!!
Friday, July 25
although laogonGg euu r not a romantic guy..
Wednesday, July 23
dear dear laogongg tiz week can hv 2 daes off:-))
act he asked boss tuh gv him off de lorhh~~
cause he wana help miie tuh move house ..
hahass..so gd is he lorhh,rite??
tiz 2 daes feel so soli tuh dear dear laogongg lorhh..
totally can't accmpny him enough de lerhh~~
aft ii finish work oledi 5.30pm:-))
so we onli hv abt 5 hours shopping 2gether lorhh!!
can't bck home too late cz tiz few daes ii quite tired de lorhh ^^
duno y like no spirit at all !!!!
act wana watch movie de..
but duno y GSC at yishun no nice movie lorhh~~
so we decided to go shopping more better lorhh:-))
buy such of myy daily use things again ~~
nothing tuh buy liaoO..
oso no place can go~~sianz!!
but dear dear laogongg can accmpny miie ...
not realli feel sianz lorhh~~
should be feel sweet barhh:-))
hahass..long time din hv tiz feel liaoO ^^
hope tat dear dear laogongg can always be my side lorhh...
like tat ii can c his face everydae liaoO..
dear dear laogongg~~
laopo luves euu so much....
promise euu laopoO wil always be urr side de:-))
we must gambade 2gether orhh ^@^
Monday, July 21
Fantastic SunDae
can save mny no need eat breakfast direct eat lunch:-))
1st time can watch da TV channel..
If ii stil hv a dae tuh alive..
ii wil spent all da minutes wif euu:-))
ii hope tat ii can give euu all myy hapPiness~~
euu are da ones ii want tuh share myy life wif euu:-))
dear dear laogongg...
thx for urr caring & loving~~
laopoO luves euu so much...
muackzzz ^*^
Sunday, July 20
BusY satUrdae ^^
Thursday, July 17
Wednesday, July 16
SupEr BoriNg~~
2dae ii alone stay in office onli~~
my colleague fall sick & mc liaoO:-))
nothing tuh do lerhh~~
one call oso dun hv^^
realli feel lonely lorhh~~~
who r free now??
who willing tuh accompny miie??
ii too boring until feel vyy sleepy lorhhh:-))
stil gotta wait until 5.30pm jz can bck home~~
2dae dear dear laogongg off dae~~
he now should be reach JB liaoO..
accopmny small bro tuh buy shoes & spectacles>>
he realli vyy gd lorhh:-))
be willing tuh sacrifice his sleeping time~~
so tat's y ii love him so much much^^
thx for a lot~~~muackkkss..hugss...
later finish work wil go shopping wif laogongg..
wana buy bed & such furnitures lorhh:-))
so fast nxt week gotta move tuh myy sis's house liaoO~~
all d things stil hvn pack lerhh!!!
mum jz now call miie again~~
hurray!!haPpi she ask miie go tuh eat dinner 2gether~~
can enjoy myy mum's delicious foods again....
shiot lorhh~~~
wish da time faster over lorhh:-)))
ii dun hv any patient tuh wait liaoO orhh~~
Tuesday, July 15
TuesDae ^^
Sunday, July 13
MooD DowN **
Saturday, July 12
Friday, July 11
now await da time bck home~~
wish da time faster over lorhh:-))
ii wana bck home *@*
Thursday, July 10
Wednesday, July 9
Wan ChiN^HapPi BirthDae~~
aikss..now ii realli miss myy hometown&all myy frens lorhh~~duno how r they liaoO:-))since ii come here working , ii seldom contact wif all myy frens liaoO orhh..always busy for working & studying , so onli can msg them tuh keep in touch our frenship^^
act now jus feel tat long distance frenship realli vyy difficult tuh keep lorhh:-))when long time din meet & gossip wif each other liaoO,wil feel tat like got some strange liaoO..hahass ..duno is it onli myy feel or not lorhh~~last time ii remember when ii bck hometown tuh celebrate CNY,myy frens got come tuh myy house tuh gathering wif miie..tat time is 1st time ii so quiet de lorhh~~ii feel tat like no topics can gossip liaoO lerhh..maybe myy sis said true lorhh..they all stil a student den onli miie oledi came out working~~
maybe tat reason we less topics can gossip liaoO barhh~~haiz:-))act feel so sad de lorhh..ii dun hope wil like tat lerhh!!y ii always juz wil admire anther ppl de??see them can keep their frenship so long lorhh even they all oso at different places wif their frens..y ii cannot worhh??
But ii wil try myy best tuh keep all my frenship~~all myy frens..euu all oso cannot 4get miie orhh!!ii wil remember euu all in myy heart forever de..
luves euu all~~muackksss ^*^
Tuesday, July 8
Damn tired + Vexed
2dae like no mood tuh work lerhh...duno y orhh~~mayb yesterdae got a bit quarrel vv laogongg barhh:-))whole nitez ii oso can't sleep well..keep thinking&thinking!!!vyy vexed lorhh~~act now ii oledi feel more comfortable & relax liaoO~~at least ii got told myy dear all myy feelings & problems.. no need keep all in myy hearts for so long..ii hope tat laogongg can understand y ii wil think tat ii not really being in luves~~ii r3ally not intentionally tuh hurt euu~~
all ii noe iss ii really care abt euu~~laogongg!!ii not dare tuh leave euu alone~~we promise tat we wil hold our hands tight tight tuh go through all da rains & sunny de:-))so we cannot gv up so easy orhh~~GAMBADE !!we must believe tat GOD wil always blessing us de^^luves euu so much-->myy heart wil onli wif euu~~laogongg,laopo miss euu a lot *@*
Monday, July 7
PeaCe ^@^
peace ^_^
onli feel damn tired de..
so cause miie mood vyy bad & hot temper oso can't control..
1st time argue vv d sucks customer!!
act not all myy false de lorhh~~
who ask her so rampant lerhh:-))
when ask outstanding payment frm her,
ii stil gotta like go begging de lorhh~~
her attitude so so BAD!!
so ii can't control myyself ..
and talk quite arouse vv her~~
but finally ii stil control myself le...
cause ii noe customer always be the right!!
so no need argue vv them~~
just ignore it lorhh*@*
Hope tat 2dae no need face tiz kind of customer again!!
Sunday, July 6
时间过的超快的咯!!天色已经变黑接近八点了~~我也是时候回家了。。好倒霉的咯来的时候也下雨回家的时候也下雨咯!!所以唯有搭的士回家了,又浪费了不必要的花费哦~~回到家的我真的超累咯!!想到明天是拜一要做工上课真的好闲哦!!看来今天的我要早点睡觉充电了哦!!下次再update 了哦!!
Saturday, July 5
time over really vyy fast..iss near d time wana bck home liaoO..later will go OG tuh 5 all my old frens at there~~& meet v Ah Zoh having our lunch 2gether lurhh..long time din bck tuh visit them liaOo~damn miss them a lot lorhh!!!
wana hurry go tuh c them liaoO..blog nxt time liaoO orhhh~~Bye:-))))