Thursday, March 26
yesterday I didn't touch my book at all lorhh..sigh!!!still have 4 days only lorhh..but I still keep can't do my best to do my revision...haiz..recently my healthy keep give me signal lorhh..This few days I can't sleep well also..damn tired lerhh..really duno can I support until my exam day or not lorhh..feel anxious!!!!
Anyone know how just can have a good sleep??!
Tuesday, March 24
really feel damn happy boss was on leave until Thursday lorhh:-)
what a good days and times for me in office for this few days...hahass..whole office become our world again~I have more times and no need sneaking again to do my's wonderful is it!!!yeepee........
At this moment,really hope that he won't so early come back for work~I need to use more my working hours to study lorhh...If he is at office,I can't do nothing....
still have 5 more days ~
Monday, March 23
~No Weekend~
two days off in weekend I didn't went out a step also..hmm..48 hours stay at home do my last revision only lorhh~although is sound really pity,but actually I still quite enjoy on it lorhh..cause still feel a bit satisfied that I can finally understand the topics which I had study for...hahass..* claps for myself *
Last final revision really a bit damn stress scare I will forget the formulas and steps in calculation..besides that,the most worry thing is the Management Costing lorhh..there has so many theory need to memorise lorhh..OMG!!it's really kill me lorhh..asked me do calculation maybe still ok least I still have a chance try to score the mark....but if the theory section..?!haiz...I think I sure will die..I really hate to memorise lorhh!!!Is really so difficult to remember all..somemore all the theory still in English double difficult for me lorhh:~
I need to challenge with times now....
I need to do my best in this final week before my exam~
Saturday, March 21

Friday, March 20
I Need Massage~~

I really need this lorhh..this few days I keep not feeling well..all the bones in my body so ache and totally can't slept well due to my body heat~sigh!!! make me feel damn tired and no spirit at all to do my revision~
Thursday, March 19
Health is wealth..?!
No Money No Talk....Lolx...
This is the realistic world...
Tuesday, March 17
I believe I can do my best part...
Gambede to myself.!!!
Saturday, March 14
其实,“情人节”与“白色情人节”最早起源于三世纪时的罗马。 。 罗马皇帝在2月14日救了一对因为原本因违反恋爱结婚禁令而要被处死的恋人,罗马皇帝为了纪念这一天而设立了情人节。 而在一个月后的3月14日,这对获救的恋人宣誓恋情将至死不渝,为纪念这天于是就另订为白色情人节。。 而此节日就从欧洲开始流传到世界其它地方了~
在日本的民间传说中, 2月14日原本是女孩子对男孩子诉诸情意的日子, 由女孩子送情人礼物给男孩子~但是渐渐发展到最後,已经不分彼此了, 现在的情人节由谁主动送礼物已经不重要了。。现在,“白色情人节”在日本、台湾等地方已非常流行。 在日本,如果一方在2月14日当天收到异性送的情人礼表达爱意, 而且对对方也有同样的好感或情意时, 就会在3月14日回送对方一份情人礼物,那表示今年,彼此已经心心相印了。
对我而言,这天是个好普通的日子吧!其实也没什么特别的嘛!如果真的遇到深爱的人,我相信每天都是情人节吧! 不需等到情人节才来表达对彼此的爱咯。。虽然没有情人陪我渡过,但我还不至于会感到很寂寞。。
Friday, March 13
Bad Luck Go Away!!
anyway,hope that all that bad bad things can disappear as soon as possible and go away from me...I won't be so greedy just wish those good good things come enough already...
Thursday, March 12
actually today I still have one more day MC for me to rest at home,but I didn't enjoyed the MC and choose to come back for working..hmm..don't think I am act hardworking ok?!but just because my idiot company don't want accept my MC even I am still feel not very well today,I force to come for working also..I don't want my boss deduct my pays and count it as unpaid leave 'bo hua'for me!!!
haiz..really feel no meaning working at this company already..all the rules & regulations of company like fuck lorhh...the most make me angry is the boss!!really a damn bastard..never seem and met people like them before luckily my daddy ,my brother or even my ex-bf also didn't attitude like that..really can't tahan longer with their weird attitude...
damn!!WTF lorhh!!!they will always said their rules & regulations are all follow by Singapore MOM law..but when we argued got some rules that different with MOM,then they will said we have our company law!!!fxxx!!!this moment said this that moment can said that..all the words they said only rubbish idiot company!!!bastard boss!!!
really damn angry with them lorhh...
hope that the days can faster come~after exams I will make my decision...just can say no point to continue working with this fxxking company already...
Wednesday, March 11
Diarrhea & Vomit..
yesterday whole day in office I still look so healthy and didn't feel wrong and unfit lorhh..but duno why after finished my work,my stomach started feel not well and my gastric pain again..I still thought that this time will be as last time..therefore,I quickly back home and take my medicines...then take a rest first~After rest about an hour, the medicines still didn't give any effects for me but contrary to,my gastric and stomach feel more pain until I can't stand up and the meantime,I suddenly vomit and diarrhea already!!!in a short few hours only,I already diarrhea for 8 times and vomit 3 times...first time feel so suffer and I totally don't have any energy at all!!!!
so coincidence that time my mum was on the line with my sister..she asked me faster went to see doctor and don't treat it as a small matter..haiz..don't want to let my family worry about me so I decided went down to see doctor...but,so poor thing is when I walked not more than 2 minutes,I can't control myself again and direct vomit on the road again...sigh!!!totally not dare to walked anymore lorhh...after I returned home to take my shower again and get my new changed,is quite late already..the clinic which located at my opposite block was closed already..hence,I have no choice gotta cabbed to find clinic which still luckily at that time my ex bf was came to give somethings for me..he saw me like that then he quickly accompanied me to see doctor together...can't imagine if I went to see doctor alone lorhh...I really looked so weak and seems will faint at body totally lost so much due to diarrhea so many times already~
so lucky the clinic didn't have so much patients and we were reached on time before they closed!!!The doctor didn't said too much about me but he just told me that if I take the medicines still diarrhea and vomit,I need to direct go hospital scared to hear that..this time I can noticed that is really feel quite serious lorhh...never try until feel so bad like this...
anyway,now I am feel more better than yesterday..whole day I not dare to eat much and just ate 2 eggs and an apple..duno why I also don't have any appetite to eat anythings....I just know I am feel so tired as whole night didn't sleep well at stomach now still feel a bit pain and colic lorhh...duno how can just stopped the pain..I can't endure the pain already~
sigh!!!two days didn't touch my book again...hope that I can recover exam was at the corner already..I want more times and healthy to prepare it!!!!
Tuesday, March 10
Monday, March 9
Single Life ~~
single life is more better then have couple...
although maybe will feel a bit lonely ,
but at least we can have our freedom always:-0
I have been single for four months already..
for me, actually I quite enjoy on it!!!
maybe I really feel tired fall in love already barhh...
I prefer the feeling now...
I have more space to do my favourite things...
no need ask for permission,nobody district...
just do what I want to do...
yeah..this is what I want now!!!
single life not feel so bad ...
just see how you treat it as only...
it can be more wonderful also~
hope all single person as me can enjoy your single life as well!!!
Sunday, March 8
Saturday, March 7
Another Weekend Again:-)
yesterday same as last few days,I didn't touch my books at all lorhh...after reached home is almost 8.30pm already~chatted a while with my mum then keep playing with my niece and newphew..they are going back home today!!!therefore I spent whole night accompany them lorhh...haiz...after they back I need to wait a month again just can see them~miss lorhh...
tonight I think I have a quiet space for me to do my revision liaoO...nobody disturb I can more concentrate on my study..Anyway,wish that I will finished all of the topics by this two days~
Times not enough already....
Friday, March 6

10,000 jobs are on offer now in the career and education exhibition at Suntec City Singapore..If you are intested want to find a job , maybe it is a good chance for you to explore and finding a job...
when I reading this news,yarhh I really interesting about it and want to try my lucky whether can finding a more better job from there or not..hmm..recently got impetuos wish to quit my current job many things keep happening in my company...actually I still have patient to continue working at here..but the important reason that cause me have the idea to change job is my company's financial are not stabil now!!!
after Chinese New Year,our company business was already dropped really dropped half or maybe more than that if compared with previous year!!!everyday me and my colleague just you look me and I look you free at all!!!sometimes sat whole day in office a call also don't have...can imagine the business was how bad is it lorhh...although this scenery have benefit for me,cause at least I have many extra times to do my revision while working,but I started to feel anxious the future of company...the financial of is really unstabil now...and it gives me a signal that my boss will fire workers at any times lorhh:-0
anyway,I will try to find another job first for safety...quit or not quit this thing still better wait until I finished my exam just consider barhh~~hope that I really can find a better job...
Thursday, March 5
Wednesday, March 4
today is my two beloved buddies's here wana wish them have a memorable and unforgotten birthday orhh~may all their dreams will really come true barhh...( love you all..muackkss )
yesterday night I didn't touch my book at all..reached home around 9pm and after finished my shower,chatted with my mum and brother lorhh..many things and topics to gossip orhh..duno why suddenly just discover my brother also can have a nice chat with us..cause normally he seldom talked so much one lorhh..anyway,feel so happy we can sat down and chit chat together:-0
But never mind larhh..not often so long just once a time...hmm..just keep telling myself today must study more to cover back yesterday's times lorhh..hahass..temporary used this excuse to console myself first...trying not to give myself too my friends said,I must that my mind just will more clear and can memorise more....
anyway, I am trying my best now...still have 26 days....
Tuesday, March 3
sorry..I dropped my tears again in front you...
I am really trying to stay strong already...but...still failure to control it~
perhaps I am really bear so many grievance in this company over my limit now..grow so big already,my parents score me also never like that..I being kind to help people settle their bad thing but?!opposite they came back and bluff me?!what the hell!!!every people also got sense of self respect one lorhh..why not my fault I still need to help people apologise?!still need to keep customers scolded until like a dog?!but the people never appreciate but still ..?!#
I know you started worry me again...I know you wana ask me quit this job are right..half of our day is in working..if working in so unhappy environment will make ourself feel upset everyday only~the important is we must feel hapPy always and not because those thing and give trouble to ourself!!is unvaluable...
don't worry larhh....Finally I am awake and I will protect myself begin today..since so many incident happened in this 1.5 years,I will not to treat people so good liaoO..and maybe sometimes just try to learn be more selfish barhh...this world is very treat people good nobody will appreaciate~this is what I had learn since I had come out working.....
amazing world...
Monday, March 2
Kena Bully Again..!!
early morning came to office then people came to find me quarrel...really feel angry and pissed off lorhh~my mood really so bad today...fxxx!!!!!!!!!!!
I just can say my patient got limit...don't always think I am easily to bully okie?!How many times already I had help you to settle all the bad thing you had done?!but you?never appreaciate never mind...still say many different edition with other people?!you think you got relative relationship with boss then no need work arhh?!Do you know many customers had complaint about you..and because you we had lost quaterly customers or not?!your uncle still though you are very good really very good at boasting and front of boss can praise yourself got so good and say until flawless..puii...what the hell...what you had done majority people also got eyes see one old liaoO still always lying..please larhh you should know you are in service line now..not sales line lorhh~just will use mouth say only but nothing done..shit!!!damn a bastard lorhh!!
I hope you can keep your big mouth shut!!!your mouth keep like that,be careful got judgement in your future..before use unpleasant word to describe people please think better yourself have or not first larhh..don't degrading yourself larhh..big ass??!!hahass...I think you more suitable the company so many people dislike you,I think you must know...I don't want bore so much this kind of things many times I had drop my tears in this company?!I swear I won't be so stupid again...Finally,I noticed that treat people good doesn't mean that people will treat you good also!!!I will tell myself just keep patient on everythings had happened this few weeks..
I just wana concentrate in my exam first..after end of this month,after my exam who else know what will happen and where I will be?!
Sunday, March 1
times really past so fast,is 1st of March already...still have a month only for me to prepare my exam..this time I think I sure will die one..still have so many topics I haven touch yet lorhhh!!!gosh...
yesterday only touch my book a few hours only lorhh..woke up in the early morning~after that accompanied my beloved mum went to temple praying..Due to some direction problems we spent a lot of time just safety reached our home..haiz~feel a bit failure lorhh cause stay at my sister's house already about half a year but I still can't recognise the direction back home...hence,we walk the long way around 30 mins the end,my brother cannot walk again then we just call a taxi and cabbed back ~_~
poor things..spent a lot in transport today lorhh~hahass..but luckily my brother paid all..normal marhh guy must more gentle marhh...after back home,first thing I do is having my lunch..I am really so so hungry stomach cannot tahan almost near dinner time just fulled my stomach lorhh:-0 blablabla..luckily my gastic didn't pain lorhh~
half day so fast over like that already..whole day left those few hours for me to do my revision only...sigh!!!study until around 3am then just go to sleep liaoO...feel more and more anxious when the exam day is more and more near to the corner...