we hv a nice andd fantastic dating again..ii like this feeling lorhh..it make miie hapPi so much even our dating jz normal,nothing special andd bbaobeii dear oso not a romantic guy!!!until now ii jz understand wat can make myself so haPpi andd always stay in good mood...ii realli like da feel when he was besides miie...no wonder myy fren told miie she was felt super hapPi when her husband accopmny her whole her off dae!!now ii can understand y she felt like tat liaoO...spent da free times wif beloved ones realli different if compared wif frens!!!
at first we had our dinner at Thailand restaurant again...both of us prefer tuh eat Thailands foods lorhh..although ii hv gastric not suitable tuh eat tat spicy andd sour foods,but myy bbaobeii dearr sometimes oso wil allow miie tuh eat..he said not frequently den can lorhh:-)hahahass..how nice iis he lorhh...erhmm..we enjoy our dinner at there..as usual again we order tom yam soup andd pineapple rice lorhh..both of this dishes we MUST order de lorhh if we eat Thailands foods..cause it realli tasty andd delicious!!!due tuh onli both of us so we not dare tuh order too much dishes if not later waste den not good lorhh...tis time we got add on 2 more dishes wic iis spicy thais chiilis prawn andd seafood asparagus...it's not bad lorhh..quite nice de:-)

Spicy thais chilli prawn^^

Seafood asparagus^^

Seafood Tom Yam Soup...
Bbaobeii dear--myy sunshine boy!!

afterwards,we went tuh shopPing a while at northpoint..erhmm..maybe tat shopPing center stil work in progress in upgrading..so nothing shops can shop de lorhh:-)after accompny baobeii dear went tuh chong pang bought his things,we direct bck dear's home liaoO..we spent our times on chit chat while waiting for da movie's time coming...ii am feel so hapPi finally we can handle our problems probably..thx for dearr telling miie those wic ii hope tuh hear de...ii appreciate much...ii noe wat we face now andd so lucky tat bbaobeii dear euu nvr gv up miie andd always besides miie support our relationship...ii realli feel so sorry for myy sturbborn andd selfish act...wat ii did before realli nvr think abt urr feelings..andd dearr euuu nvr scold miie but contrary euu stil keep it andd forgive miie everytime!!!ii din regret anymore now....ii noe tat euu r myy sunshine who always spent urr times besides miie de...console miie when ii was sad...enjoy andd share hapPiness while ii was hapPi...support miie when ii was helpless andd hopeless in somethings problems...thx for all urr loves tuh miie~~
finally ii realised tat who iis myy sunshine ady...since 2dae ii no need so vexed again liaoO about myy relationship...ii find myy sunshine boy andd myy true loves liaoO...ii wil cherish it what GODS had give tuh miie...ii noticed tat we can noe each others from different place realli not easy...now GODS was allowed us shares our loves 2gether liaoO so ii wil not easy tuh gv up our relationship again!!bbaobeii dearr ii wil promise euu ii won't always say out da word of 'break''easily liaoO..ii wil try myy best tuh keep longer our relationship...