so pissed off now..duno why recently my company's technician majority got attitude problem one lorhh~keep nagging and show their temper on me!!WTF!!!all the things is none of my business lorhh..they are unhappy with my boss then just go through their temper on my boss larhh....
Can't understand why my company's admin clerk need so pathetic lorhh..need to endure customer's complaint,boss's nagging,now still need to bear techinician's temper again!!!sianzlorhh..I am a human being also lorhh..I also have my own temper..I am not evertime,every seconds can tolerate with all of yours unreasonable scolded patient have limit one..endure once time didn't mean can endure every time!!!unhappy with boss then go ahead with boss larhh and please don't give vent your anger on me....
I really duno why I will so soft-hearted..always treat people good but people will treat me as a dog only..Despite anythings just will keep barking on me while they are unhappy or angry even is none of my business!!!
Pissed-off!!!!but what can I do?!!really hope that I can faster search a better job only :-p