Haiz..feel upset and sad lorhh..I will lost a colleague again~duno how to express out my feelings now~difficult to descripe it..Started from next month I will be alone in this company already..all my bestie geng had resigned one by one..only left me lorhh!!!!sigh..think about this I really feel no mood at all orhh..If next time when I got kena bully,there is nobody can help me already..nobody can be my good listener in working area again .. nobody can I close to again..
After this month I know many things sure will change again..included my jobs and tasks.. I think I sure will more busy then now..My boss definitely will ask me to handle two position job lorhh..I know their behaviour..They maybe will cut costs and refused to employs another office girl!!
Haiz..duno when just will be my turn to leave here lerhh?!
Await the day will coming soon lorhhh..hmm..yarhh..if anyone got job to intro or ' lobang ' please let me know okie?!seriously I am engaged in searching new jobs now!!