Firstly,wish happy labour day to all of workers in this world~Hmm..definitely included myself too..yarhh..today is my day cause I am a labour too..lol...well..to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers,labour day is listed as an annual holiday all around the world:-p
Luckily no need go for work today..Since come back from KL,I had never slept well and totally not enough sleep continuous a week already lorhh~luckily today I can sleep until more late..worhh..really damn long time never try slept until the time I wana woke up lorhh..the feelings so nice and sure my mood also good cause my tiredness had gone..lol..
I think I had slept over already..when woke up around 12pm,my whole body damn ached lorhh..maybe my body heated causes it..damn...after having my breakfast cum lunch and my shower,I quickly cabbed to Causeway Point met with my sister cause I need her help to activate a phone line...
Sigh!!my phone keep got problem recently lorhh..a while will auto switch off ..a while totally cannot heard the voice who chatted with me..thus,I decided to activate a contract phone line for 2 years and get a new phone~Hmm..I chose quite long still can't make decision which handphone should I take lorhh..Finally,I decided to bought LG Handphone--KU990R..It is my first time bought this brand type handphone lorhh..I really damn like it at my first sight lorhh..the colour of handset already attract me much~is pink colour lorhh..damn suitable for girls used:-D
After settle my phone line things,we went to do foot massage together~Due to today is PH,it got promotion lorhh..40 minutes foot massage only costs $32..for me is quite worth larhh cause my foots really felt comfortable lorhh after having the massage~
Then,parted with my sister as I want to buy daily things while she wants to buy clothes and shoes~I was felt lazy to accompany her to walk shop by shop lorhh..therefore I told her that I will come back to find her after I buy all my things..But..lastly I can't found her lorhh..is quite crowded of people in the shopping mall~my handphone was low battery and auto switch off already lorhh..thus cannot contact her and at the end no choice we forced to back home separately..
Although I was felt exhausted to shopped almost half day already,but I still felt happy lorhh..at least I had bought a lot of things..especially I got my new handphone set lorhh...yeepee:-p