Well...is Sunday again..Back from dear's place after send him for work ..Reached home around 11.3oam..My stomach was started to make sound..I was feel so hungry so that went down to the shop bought dessert and bread for myself and mum too...
So luckily lorhh I was reached home earlier after packed food..When I reached my door step,the sky was became dark suddenly..It started raining heavily after a minute only lorhhh~worhhh...the winds was so big,the cool weather make me feel very sleepy lorhh..It was so long Singapore never have this kind of weather already lorhhh..Hmm..me like it so much~
Actually wish to have a sweet sleep in this nice afternoon..But at the end I was busy for my own stuffs and there was no time for me to have a sleep even a short nap..Damn!!!Anyway,is good also larhh at least I had done and settled all my things..Besides,it also help me to avoid myself become fat..You know larhh take a nap in afternoon was the way easily to gain weight!!!
Hahasss...slacked at home whole day was really nice...I was really lazy to go anywhere..I just like the feeling stay at home,watch TV or maybe surfing internet,listening to the music,reading magazines,etc....For me,spent the time and weekend like this will the most relax lifestyle...Sometimes,maybe just need a space for myself to be alone without anyone's disturb~just wish have my own silent corner ...That is what I need:-p