Saturday, April 25
I was failed:-p
Hmm..few days never update my blog already lorhh...duno why recently keep no mood to blog lorhh although there have many things would like to write and a lots of photos wana upload..Haiz...maybe Mr.lazy and Ms.moody were found me up
I was feel kinda boring now lorhh..stay alone in my friend's room only..nobody can talking to friends were went out for their dinner~haiz..due to avoid be a spot light,I choose to diet tonight and let both of them went out dating together..I am so sacrificed right?!Kent,you know how to do lorhh?!kakaka..
Today I went to Genting interview lorhh..damn!!I think I won't have any chance on this time lerhh~Haiz..I felt quite disappointed on my performance just now...I felt so excited and panic lorhh..first time feel so stress ..just vacancy a GSA this position job only I need to pass through 4 interviews lorhh~gosh!!!all the interviews kinda serious lorhh..the interviewers also looks very very fiece one..their face never smile one from the start until the end...damn!!never face this kind of situation before that lorhh...I was really afraid until I can't said out a word lorhh...
HaiZ..still thought that it is an easy task to go for an interview lorhh..It seems I was wrong lorhh..Although I was failed at this time,but I won't give up so easily lorhh~I believe I will do more best in next time...I will prepared more information regarding the job position before I go for second time interviews again:-p
Friday, April 24
Is totally out of my expected lerhh..before that I still though I will have a nice trip and got a well gathering with them lorhh~but can't blame them also lorhh..just can blame myself choose a wrong timing come here only~
Hope that next time I still have chance to come kl again when they all are free~I am not dare to disturb them again...I make them need to spent out their valuable time on me lorhh...feel a bit paiseh...
Luckily I will back to Singapore soon liaoO...this time don't have 'bu she de' lorhh~lol...
Wednesday, April 22
Recently my company system are really messy and complicated orhh!!!it had cause a lots of problems and make me more and more busy...keep received complaint from customers and keep kena scolded by them too!!!Fxxx...duno why this world will have this kind of people lorhh~a small case only also need to complaint until like pathetic need to face all this unreasonable people!!!
So hope that I can knocked off now...I really dun wish to stay at office more then a minute lorhh.. sianz..
My mood now actually quite good lorhh even there was so many unhappy things happen in office..Feel damn happy cause tomorrow I will going to kl already..finally lorhh my holidays is coming soon..I want enjoy my holidays :-p
yeepee..hapPy happy...
Tuesday, April 21
Haiz..feel upset and sad lorhh..I will lost a colleague again~duno how to express out my feelings now~difficult to descripe it..Started from next month I will be alone in this company already..all my bestie geng had resigned one by one..only left me lorhh!!!!sigh..think about this I really feel no mood at all orhh..If next time when I got kena bully,there is nobody can help me already..nobody can be my good listener in working area again .. nobody can I close to again..
After this month I know many things sure will change again..included my jobs and tasks.. I think I sure will more busy then now..My boss definitely will ask me to handle two position job lorhh..I know their behaviour..They maybe will cut costs and refused to employs another office girl!!
Haiz..duno when just will be my turn to leave here lerhh?!
Await the day will coming soon lorhhh..hmm..yarhh..if anyone got job to intro or ' lobang ' please let me know okie?!seriously I am engaged in searching new jobs now!!
Saturday, April 18
Excited + HapPy
I hope I can knocked off now~can't await to meet with my friend already lorhh..
miss him so much...
long time never go out with him jorhh:-p
Friday, April 17
Can't understand why my company's admin clerk need so pathetic lorhh..need to endure customer's complaint,boss's nagging,now still need to bear techinician's temper again!!!sianzlorhh..I am a human being also lorhh..I also have my own temper..I am not evertime,every seconds can tolerate with all of yours unreasonable scolded patient have limit one..endure once time didn't mean can endure every time!!!unhappy with boss then go ahead with boss larhh and please don't give vent your anger on me....
I really duno why I will so soft-hearted..always treat people good but people will treat me as a dog only..Despite anythings just will keep barking on me while they are unhappy or angry even is none of my business!!!
Pissed-off!!!!but what can I do?!!really hope that I can faster search a better job only :-p
Thursday, April 16
Recently quite busy lorhh...after finished work back home and accompany my family only~my mum and niece will back on this coming Saturday already..only left few days can playing with them~my days was ended with my dearest families' accompanies only...never fail to spent my times with them lorhh..loves..
I am looking forward for this coming Saturday..I will spent my weekend in JB ..long time didn't go in JB already lorhh..I want the day can faster come lorhh~I can't await already..
Wednesday, April 15
yesterday around 4am just slept..ate too full until I totally cannot slept lorhh..only take a short nap then headed come for working already~my panda eyes was appeared again lorhh...oh my god!!!my dark circles was became more and more serious already:-p
damn..I hope that I can knock off now!!I want sleeping...really can't control my sleepy eyes already~
Tuesday, April 14
HapPy 46th Birthday Mummy
this year more special my mummy will celebrate her 46th birthday with us at here~hmm..first year celebrate her big day at Singapore sure must give her an unforgotten and memorable birthday celebration~
Later after finished work will go to collect my mummy's birthday cake first..then will back home as soon as possible cause we will have steamboat for our dinner and as my mummy's birthday celebration:~
Be right back to update more again:-p
I had ate many tonight stomach was bloated with foods until it looks like having 3 months pregnant lorhh~damn full..Haiz..I need to start diet from tomorrow again..Well..but it's worth cause the steamboat is kinda delicious lorhh..spicy tom yam soup + ginseng soup~yummy..yummy..long time didn't eat dinner together with my family liao~its feel so warm...
after steamboat,still ate the ice-cream cake lorhh..worhh..its really tasty lorhh~especially the chocolate peanut buttercup+ mocha almonds fudge..taste not bad...must try this favourite nxt time again..
Lets photos do the talking~Sunday, April 12
Movie Time...

Whole movie I just keep pay my attention to my idol~Daniel Wu...this is the reason attracted me most!!!worhh..he is always so cool and man lorhh...This movie is all about gangster gangster one lorhh..There has a lot of cruel and ugly scene until I not dare to watch it ..The most disgusting is when Daniel Wu's hand was chopped and his face was scrapped.....I was screaming lorhh when saw this scene..Daniel Wu is really ' ke lian 'lorhh!!!!
After movie is already quite late..and I felt sleepy also..
Therefore,take cab and home sweet home....
This is how I spent my Saturday~nothing special again...
Saturday, April 11
We are sister forever..
Hmm..dreamt of them make me suddenly miss a lots of our past~it was memorable and unforgotten friendship for me...They had left a big and deep footprints in my heart...Even until now we are not so close already due to somethings happened,but I am still will miss our past..miss our friendship..Sometimes so wish that all the things can back to the past..I just wana a chance to treasure our friendship...I love you all..I love you all...
Friends,we are sister forever..whatever had happened in the past,all of you still stay in my heart forever....the sweet memories I had never forgot...
Friday, April 10
birthday babyy~Brit Tang
Today I had woke up around 10 plus..felt damn sleepy lorhh and really wish that I can continue my beauty sleep...Haiz..but no choice gotta prepare myself to go out before the guests come my house..I don't want to slack at home with so many of strangers lorhh!!!
My mum and sister had prepared a lots of foods to serve the yummy lorhh all the taste really not bad..Sister,you must feel happy lorhh cause so many people praise you..first time my sister can successfully cooked out the delicious foods...not bad larhh at least got improve lorhh..I had eat until so full stomach looked like 3 months pregnant lorhh..seriously I can't stopped to grab the foods cause is really nice and tasty although is not much foods!!!

After having my lunch and shower,I went out with my mum ..this time we had planned to Tampines MAll to walked around..Hmm..First time stepped into Tampines really quite big and a lots of wish can walked shop by shop,but I have no chance lorhh..the mall is crowded with people..looked down from fifth storey,the people were like small ants lorhh~every corners also people until there have no space are free one..Haiz..we just walked a while then headed to another shopping centre-Tampines 1..still though that shopping centre will less of people,but it seems I had make wrong decision lorhh..the people there were more crowded until walking also difficult lorhh..Everyone were come out shopping..
Thursday, April 9
Not Feeling Well ..
So difficult just can wait the time to knock off lorhh..after finished work I didn't go anywhere and direct back home to accompany my mum and that two little kids~Actually wana bring my mum go to shopping but so bad my sister haven finished work and nobody was at home to take care the kids..felt like wana bring them go together but I was feel not so well know larhh bring two small kids go shopping really not an easy tasks lorhh..somemore the youngest one now is learning walking is more difficult to take care~Therefore,we had cancelled the plan and stay at home watch TV only...
tomorrow is my youngest nephew's one year old birthday house I think will crowded with people lorhh..According to my sister,many relatives of my brother-in-law will come to pay a visit and celebrate my newphew's birthday together~Haiz...I not familiar with them sianz..To avoid the communicate problems with those strangers and slack in an inconvenience place,I had plan and decide to bring my mum go out shopping until evening time just come back home...Hmm..I think my mum also will feel boring if wana her slack at home with them~
I still thinking and planning tomorrow wana go which place shopping lorhh..damn headache lerhh to think about this...Hmm...maybe will go those place which I never go before one lorhh~wish to go Pulau Batam lorhh..but I think probably next weekend just can plan it...wait my friend off day just ask him go together with me... eyes wana close up already..Wana go to Zzzzz first...Sigh!!Tomorrow still need to wake up early lorhh~will update again while I am free...
Everybody good night lorhh...
Wednesday, April 8
Holiday Coming Soon :-:
Actually this week I had bought ticket and planned to back hometown.But suddenly somethings had happened and I had changed my mind..So,this three days holidays I will be at Singapore accompany my lovely mum and families~Next month just plan again back hometown..Haiz..although feel sad can't back home,but actually is quite good also I stay at here because my mum was stay at here now..If I go back hometown also nobody will at dad need working..therefore,I also will home alone lorhh..
Now I am planning how to spend this three days holidays with my mum and also how to celebrate my mum's birthday next Tuesday..hmm..I had just ordered an ice-cream cake from Swensen..I ask my mum choose by herself cause her favourite cake marhh..Saw her face can felt that she damn happy lorhh..although keep asked me don't want order but I know she want to eat de lorhh..just not dare to see me spent so much money..Lol..
Anyway,I will treat her eat what she feels like to eat despite how expensive is it...she is my only lovely valuable lorhh spent money on your lovely one...when see them happy I also will felt happy..I will treasure the days and times with my families~
Still thinking wana bring my mum go where shopping in this coming holidays..Haiz..headache lorhh cause I am not very familiar with here...any nice place and tasty foods can recommenced?!
Hate My Working Life!!!!
Working in an unhappy place really make me mood never be good lorhh when see those 'xiao ren'..Duno why they can so good in act with two face people lorhh~in front you can so close and good to you but back side can complaint you until like hell..WTF!!!all also workers why must do until like that siah?!I hate them keep talking nonsense in front boss and others..especially talking those things which never happen one lorhhh..really fxxxing...Very hate with this kind of people...big mouth,lying, acting like they are very smart and a beast lorhh..puay..really buay tahan lorhh~please lorhh go to see yourself from mirror first lorhh...haiz..just wait God punish them larhh..I believe in karma~
Monday, April 6
Wonderful Sunday
The things what I can do now is only blogging lorhh..hahass..anyway,let's me talk back how I spent my wonderful Sunday barhh..Yesterday woke up around 9 plus..thought that I can slept back cause I felt damn tired and sleepy lorhh..but so bad my cutie niece was woke me up from my warm nest..sigh!!My mum all had arrived here already..the train of this trip really damn fast almost earlier about an hour orhhh~They are really lucky no need took so long hours to reach here:-0
After washed my face,I accompanied my mum went to nearest wet market bought some vegetables and fishes for dinner..Then,went home and having breakfast with my lovely family~Hmm..long time din eat together already,feeling damn nice and sweet lorhh...keep chit chat with my mum and playing with my niece and nephew~a month didn't see them,my youngest nephew is starting learn to walk already..worhh..damn cute of him when saw him walk step by step with his short short body..forget to take photos lerhh..but never mind next day just upload his cute face barhh^^
rest a while until late afternoon..Then,we headed to SSC walk around..we brought that two kids really not an easy task to bring two children go out lorhh..but,luckily we still can handle it larhh cause my mum is a superwoman marhh..bought a lots of things from there included foods,tidbits,daily used things and etc..( can't type out all the stuffs )
shopped around until 7 plus then cabbed home..That two kids was started to cry cause they wana back home sleeping..After back home nothing to do TV and chit chatted again with my family..Although is not a very interested Sunday for others,but for me it can count a wonderful Sunday lorhh..perhaps I prefer to spent my times with my lovely families barhh...
Since went out working,I just noticed family are the most important people in my life forever~I love them so hope that I will have more times for my family gathering...miss them a lot:-0
Sunday, April 5
Need To Relax..?!
duno why I really felt exhausted!!!!neither my physical nor mental..I can't have any spirit and energy lorhh compare with last time..maybe the past exam was waste me a lots of spirit...I had overstudy barhh..I never work so hard since I am still a full time student..this is my first time I treat it so serious and definitely had make me so stressful!!!Two weeks before exam,everyday also can't sleep well and only have 3 to 4 hours for me to take a short nap..just imagine a week slept for 21 hours to 25 hours like that,I think even a person got so strong also will fall down barhh..but I am very lucky,I never fall down and still strong..midnight woke up study while the rest still having their sweet dream..this kind of life really so pity...
can't accept I still need to continue this kind of life in the coming two months...
maybe that is my failure punishment!!!
I need to stand up again at which I had failure...
Saturday, April 4
Saturday Nite..
Nothing more happen today..As usual with Saturday I am alone in office now...Finally I had finished all my paperworks included follow up all the tasks when I was on leave that few days...sigh!!!just few days only I am not in office but those paperworks was so messy and complicated lorhh..make me really feel quite blur and headache on it..but luckily I still can catch up..if not really duno how to do all lorhh:-0
After finished work I didn't go anywhere,just direct back home cleaning my bedroom..My bedroom make me can't sleep comfortably lorhh..last few days just busy to do my revision..the bedroom totally messy until like a dog's place..I had used 5 hours to clean it up lorhh..can imagine how dirty and messy of my bedroom..?!
Finished doing all the cleaning work,I went out to watch movie with my friend at AMK hub..We catch the midnight show of ' L.O.V.E '..This show is really make me disappointed lorhh..Rate it : 1/10..Is totally a lousy movie lorhh..I advice those who are interest in this movie one better save up your will waste your money only cause you will regret after watch it...This movie not romantic at all..It is really damn boring until I can fall sleep lorhh:-0
Is my second time fall sleep in cinema..sigh!!!the movie really make me no words can describe it lorhh..
That's all for whole day...My Saturday is damn boring and not interesting at all lorhh...I need a fantastic weekend...
Friday, April 3
But..duno why I can't make myself happy on it lorhh...just maybe the exam I just sat for was throughly make me very dissapointed!!!!!!!!I really felt shed tears~I never expect that I will failed to do the questions...I had do my best to do all my revision and also put a lot of efford on this exam~but it seems I really waste all of my hard works!!!!
Why my confidence will suddenly disappeared after view the question..?!I still though I can get at least pass in this 3 papers..but since the question is damn fxxxing and still not in our syllabus,I have no more certainty on it!!!!!!I force to give up this time..I know even how I try my best to answer the question,it also can't help me to score the is a fact that I really duno how to answer it well~
Haiz..this time I really failed...Now I can't do nothing..just only can rest a while and continue to do my revision and try my best again in June paper~I believe God will blessing me always......