Thursday, June 4

I am graduated!!!!

Woohoo...FINALLY...I had finished all my exams and course too~

Hmm..I am kinda happy now lorhh..I had waiting this graduated day so long already~yoyoyo...finally it had of my birthday wishes had come true..I know got one still will continue with the second one..right?!lol..hopefully it will...I know all my dreams sure will come true in a day..just need to '' wait" :-p

Spent a lots money to study just for a diploma certificate only..Anyway,its worth..For me actually I am not only get a cert but still learning some lessons and gain some 'new' knowledges lorhh..It is my first experience working to earn money and paid study fees by myself...From here,I just realised that the difficulty of being parents to provide education fees for their children...Earn money really not an easy task..when I am working so hard and at the end a parts of my savings need to spent out in my study but not for luxury or shopping,my heart really feel so pain at first...Is not a small amount you know everytime I must to count carefully lorhh in any expenses..anythings has spent must cannot out of my budget:-) its sound bery pity right?!but is a real lorhh..Almost more than a year already..I dare not to spent much ..Anyway,is benefit for me too if thinking at other sides larhh:-0

I belief there will be rainbow after raining..( own phrase)

Finally I didn't make my parents disappointed on me again~Mum and dad..your daughter had growed bigger and will think more mature compare with last time already..She had work very hard on her further study now..Please don't worry about her future..ok??!

I will try my best to get flying colours result for my dearest parents...I hope I am not too late to offset my disappointment which had made to them before~Anyway,I wish I can be the person who can brighten up my families with proud:-xxx